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The secret to successfully implementing new platform technology depends on thorough planning. But it can be hard to predict how complex these projects can become.

We’ll provide a strategic approach, keep your project on the right track, enhance communication between teams, and help you become self-sufficient moving forward.

We don’t have a model we’ll force you to work to and we won’t insist that you change your structure. Instead we’ll find out how your team currently works and which methodologies you use. We’ll work together, complementing these, and filling in any gaps.

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Involving us at the start of the project is critical to its overall success. It helps you to streamline resource, keep to budget and ensure the systems are used to their potential from Day 1.

We’ll work alongside your team so the project develops to your advantage.

We'll review your platform, giving you a realistic diagnosis. For example, we'll tell you which elements of BAU can be automated, and advise you on how best to deploy your teams.


Depending on where you are in your platform journey, we can help.


We can deliver large-scale implementations as part of your original platform team, helping to deploy the right people in the right areas so that the focus is correct from the start.

Alternatively, we can come in half way through and work on more specific system fixes - for example a BAU operation that’s preventing you from meeting specific service levels - perhaps drawdown clients are no longer receiving their money and there’s a risk of reputational damage.

We’ve seen examples of this before – at every stage of the process – and know how to react quickly and proactively. We can identify the best options, prioritise the quickest route, and fast-track the

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You’ve implemented your new platform and things are looking stable. Now you’re looking start introducing new functionality to increase levels of automation. But you might not have the necessary expertise inhouse to do that. That’s where we can help.

After the project has gone live, we can analyse the most efficient ways for you to improve your platform functionality – whether that’s enhancing what you already have to make it more efficient, or introducing brand new functionality.

We know where its strengths lie, and how best to improve things safely, in order to speed up your way of working and make the user experience more efficient.


We’d love to chat about your next project. Simply contact us on and we'll come back to you asap.

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